Sunday 7 April 2013

Self appointed "gurus"

I had a recent experience with what I call "a self appointed guru" that I am guided to share. My guides have been knocking me on my head, with this repetitive thought to share this experience. Maybe they want me to share my experience, so others will not be disempowered, like I was.

I consider myself a spiritual person. Yes, I am a Reiki Master, but I do not give into this title of "Master" because I'm still human, and here to learn. I am constantly learning about energy and spirituality, so I am still a student. I connect with the Goddess, God, Angels and ask for their assistance all the time, for I have learned that what they have to tell me is much better than what my ego tells me. A teacher of mine once referred to herself as a 'facilitator', which is a title I resonate with. I can channel the advice of the guides or channel Reiki energy, but it is not up to me to tell people they have to follow the advice or what to do with the energy in their system. It is not my business to bend the will of others.

Recently, an acquaintance discovered that I am an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by DoreenVirtue, and do Angel readings part time. From creeping my Facebook page, he discovered that I am interested in spirituality and energy work. Leading up to our conversation, I could feel him probing my energy all day. After interrogating me on how much I knew about energy, he felt compelled to tell me that I was 'blocking my energy and sending out bad energy out to others', and that he could teach me a few things. His comments caused me to doubt myself and it really drained me. I consulted with a teacher of mine, someone I have chosen to be a spiritual teacher for me. She confirmed for me that it is was his ego bothered by the fact he could not access my energies and encouraged me to continue my spiritual practice, which was working for me. I also meditated on this, consulting with my guides, and what came through was also encouragement of to continue my practice of protecting my energy.

I ran into this person again recently. The funny thing is that before I ran into him, my guides came to me and reminded me to protect my energy. So I took a few minutes to call on the guides for protection, and do my visualization that I do for protection. When I ran into him, he right away tried to read my energy again, and was quite aggressive about it. When he left, he looked quite annoyed that I stood my ground and voiced that what I chose to do with my energy worked for me. He shunned me for not 'emanating angelic energy, and that I should know better'. My response was I'm not working all the time. Do you do your work off hours? Conduct your work on strangers walking down the street?

The analogy that my guides have presented to me is that of identity thief. In our society now, our personal information is so easily hacked. We are constantly reminded to protect our passwords, so people cannot access our personal information. What if someone hacked into your bank account and saw your financial records? What if they made judgements on how you spend your money, without asking you about your financial obligations are or what your life style is like? That would not be acceptable. So accessing someone's energy is similar to this, hacking into their energetic body.

So I finish with a few thoughts:

  • do not allow others to tell you what to do with your energy. That is up to you and your God
  • with the increase interest in spirituality and the new age movement, I have come across many of these 'self appointed Gurus'. They need you more than you need them. It feeds their ego and energy to have 'students'. You are your own Guru. Your learning should be from your own experiences and your God
  • psychics, energy healers, yoga teachers, or any health practitioner (including Medical Doctors), are, in my opinion, facilitators. In the end of it all, you are the one to decides what to do with your bodies (I pluralize because I mean emotional body, energetic body, mental body, spiritual body as well as the physical body)
  • true spiritual teachers respect you to learn on your own, at your own pace and know that the universe will present you with your lessons. They understand the laws of the universe, karma and will not bend your will
I share this in hopes that you will not be disempowered. I once heard that 'a smart person learns from their own mistakes. A wise person learns from the mistakes of others'. So please, I encourage you to be Wise :)

Namaste (which is the Sanskrit for "The Spirit/God within me salutes the Spirit/God in you")

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