Wednesday 25 March 2015

Life Struggles

I was having a very heated discussion with my mother about the struggles that people have in their life. She is a very traditional Chinese in her beliefs. LOL. I could not be anything but the polar opposite. She believes in hard work, and if you work for it, you will achieve. If you fight for your life, you will make it through.

I strongly disagreed, because I have seen those close to me 'fight for their life', and not be able to meet the success. Did they give up before achieving their goal? I don't think so. I do believe that some people are 'born unlucky'. With my open spiritual beliefs, I could not disagree with my mother more, who also does not understand my beliefs. A daughter who talks to the other side and Angels? WTF? How could a traditional Asian woman wrap that around her head? But this is the contract I am born into with my mom. How to grow up in an environment that does not support my spiritual beliefs but stand centred and grounded in my beliefs.

Yes, I think people are 'born' unlucky or may have more obstacles and struggles in their life because that is the life contract their soul has agreed to, to achieve the lessons they will learn in this life. I have a very dear Friend, who had the biggest heart. He was the guy who always said hi to strangers, would help the random stranger and engage in conversation with anyone. He would lighten people up. The past few years, he has had many large challenges in his life, and sadly they have changed him. I see him born into conditions where he did not have a supportive environment that would help him through the obstacles. I could only be a positive force in his life, but not make decisions for him, and allow him to live out his karma. From my eyes, the Universe was teaching him soooooo many lessons. So maybe some of us have more lessons to learn than others. That's what I think. I wonder how some people live such a balanced life, be financially successful and love their life, and achieve it with such ease. Maybe they have it easy in this life. But not so easy in a previous life.