Thursday 31 May 2012

Angel Card Readings

I receive a lot more inquiries about what angel readings are than I do about what Reiki is. It’s a service I offer, that I do not advertise as much as Reiki or Reflexology, because I think people think it’s too weird. So when people inquire, it’s a pleasant surprise. I really do enjoy doing angel readings and that it also shows that this person may believe in angels. I don’t know when I started believing in angels. Probably after I started praying, and noticing that my prayers were answered by synchronistic events occurring. It happened too often to ensure me that I’m not crazy and that ‘something’ else had to be at work.

When I first noticed that I can sense and work with energy, I asked that I be guided and work with only the highest beings with the best intentions for people. The universe opened and I suddenly had money for 2 weeks vacation in Hawaii, one week coinciding with Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner course and money to pay for the course. My job that had kept me so busy was ok with me taking the two weeks off and I got into Doreen’s course. So maybe the angels are these highest beings that answered my prayers. Four years later, and I still work with them everyday, during my clients’ sessions and they have never failed me. With love, they serve all beings.

I believe angels to be non-physical beings that co-exist on our 3D plane, and exist as energy. When an angel is around, people report feeling ‘presence’, a gust of wind, a ringing in the ear or the hairs on their arms standing up. On some level we are sensing something, as there is a force that is causing a response in our physical body. We just may not be able to see them (though some people do). I believe if we set intentions to work with a specific energy, the universe has to respect that. Angels always are there to help us and act with a divine force.  They respect our free will and only offer guidance when we ask for help. They never tell us what to do, offer guidance and it is up to us to listen or not.

Using Angel Cards as a divination tool, I deliver messages from the angels on what clients are asking about. The cards are a physical tool that help deliver the messages, as they guide me to focus on images, words and colours in the cards. I find they always give supportive and loving advice, and are quiet humorous at times too. I am quite passionate about energy work, and I give credit to the angels for lightening my work and making it fun. I use the cards as part of my own spiritual practice, and recommend it for others. It is a good way to exercise your intuition and learn to communicate with them yourself.