Saturday 28 April 2012

Preparing to receive Reiki Attunements

My philosophy to improve universal healing is to empower people to heal themselves. Part of this is being aware of your own energy, following one’s intuition (or listening to our bodies) and learning how to manage ones own energy. I am grateful for my Reiki clients, as I learn from their Reiki sessions and see the growth and shifts on all levels. After awhile of receiving Reiki treatments, certain Reiki guides appear to me during a client’s session as a sign that this person will learn Reiki. It is such a gift to see, because on some level, the client is consenting to learn Reiki and inviting the guides to work with them. How amazing.

One ‘side effect’ of being attuned to Reiki is that your life shifts. Some shifts may include: changes in relationships, changes in diet, releasing habits/addictions, changes in perception/intuition and/or changes in body physiology. For me, I learned Reiki and other modalities in a short period of time. The shifts in my life were extreme and included: quitting my job and changing career path, selling my home, new relationship and change in life style. I was in shock and recovery from where the wave of life took me. I would not wish that on anyone, so I always warn people about the side effects of learning Reiki. My Zenith-Omega teacher taught me to ask for the lessons in life and shifts WITH EASE. I wish that on everyone. So as I continue Reiki on the clients that are to learn Reiki, I see the Guides working on particular issues relating to the chakras that are mainly out of balance on them. To receive the Reiki and channel it, means to balance our chakras, and this is really what the Guides wish of us.

From what I have observed from attuning people to Reiki, I noticed that the Reiki energy focuses on certain chakras during the attunement process. This has varied with each individual, as we all have certain chakras we are working on at different points in time. For example, with one person, the attunement seemed to focus on the solar plexus. Months after, her life and relationships shifted and she became more empowered. For another person, the Reiki was focused on the heart chakra. After the attunement, she had a physical release from her chest as she experienced cough and bronchitis. Within six months, she noticed a change in her relationships and started taking more time for herself. As the Reiki works on the specific chakras, it makes sense that our life shifts on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. As we shift on an energetic level, so does our life.  

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